The cook went well for the most part. Other than a couple of little glitches...
Tuesday evening, the peach blueberry cobbler was the largest cobbler I have made to date. It was seriously delicious. It contained a 105-ounce can of peaches, drained, and two pounds of frozen blueberries. The mississippi mud cake and fudge cake both turned out perfectly. Dessert was fantastic.
I had done a ton of prep work for breakfast on Monday. I peeled and sliced and chopped and minced and diced everything that was going into the mountain man breakfast. We browned the bacon in a couple of 12-inch pots, and yes, Darren, the stove worked perfectly...after adjusting the air intake on the burners.
After assembling everything in the four pots and getting them on the coals, everything seemed to be working as normal. However, the fourteen inch and the twelve deep were both giving me problems. I'm not quite used to those yet and it was taking longer than the others.
In the end, I ended up serving out of the two standard twelves first while I finished the other two over low flame on the stove.
And ended up not using either. Seriously. I guess the deserts from the night before were still sitting in some stomachs. So we have an awful lot of leftovers that I have been taking to friends in the neighborhood.
But everyone enjoyed everything and it's better to have way way too much than to be short by a bit. At least until I get better at figuring out how much people really eat.

Oh, and I have two chimneys... I kept the first one I bought as a backup and between the two, I was able to churn out all the charcoal I needed.
I'm beat tonight though. Good food, good times, but to tell you how tired I am, I don't think I could go for cooking in a Dutch oven again for at least a day or two.